
Twenty graduate programs or specialties and two colleges at bet8体育娱乐入口 have been listed among the best in the nation by U.S. 网站登录 & World Report in its rankings of the Best 研究生院s for 2022.


  • The 公共管理 program in the 斯特罗姆商学院 was listed among the top 30% of schools in the public affairs category. The 达顿教育学院 and Professional Studies and the Strome College's 兼职MBA program ranked in the top 50%.
  • Eight programs - 刑事司法 (which is in the criminology category), 航空航天工程, 护理麻醉, 物理治疗, 系统工程, 公共管理, speech-language pathology and environmental 工程 - ranked among the top 100 nationally.
  • In at least 12 disciplines - clinical 心理学, 兼职MBA, 刑事司法, 教育, 土木工程, 电气工程, 机械工程, 护理麻醉, 心理学, 系统工程, 英语 and 公共管理 - ODU's ranking improved from 2021. 临床心理学, 计算机科学, 刑事司法, 英语, 护理麻醉 and 心理学 are ranked this year after being unranked in 2021.
  • The 巴顿工程学院 and 技术 and the 达顿教育学院 and Professional Studies were cited by the publication.
  • 公共卫生硕士项目, which had been conducted with Eastern Virginia Medical School until ODU began offering it on its own in the fall of 2020, 也是排名的新成员吗.

"This recognition attests to the strength and breadth of our graduate programs,奥斯汀说, provost and vice president of academic affairs. "The faculty in the nearly 100 programs we offer has earned recognition both nationally and internationally, providing our students with world-class 教育al and research opportunities."

The number of ODU programs cited in the survey has substantially increased since 2018, when the 达顿教育学院 and Professional Studies and four graduate programs earned rankings.

"ODU's graduate profile is clearly on the rise, with programs from all six of our academic colleges ranked in the latest survey,Robert Wojtowicz说, vice provost and dean of the 研究生院. "Students from all walks of life are attracted to ODU's rigorous and diverse offerings at both the master's and doctoral levels as well as its flexible course-delivery options."

Here are ODU's Best 研究生院 rankings:

  • No. 32 (tie), Criminal Justice (Criminology)
  • No. 63 (tie), Engineering 学校: Aerospace Engineering
  • No. 74 (tie),护理麻醉
  • No. 75 (tie), Engineering 学校: Industrial/Manufacturing/Systems
  • No. 83(平局),物理治疗
  • No. 83 (tie), Public 政府 (Public Affairs)
  • No. 92 (tie),言语-语言病理学
  • No. 93 (tie), Engineering 学校: Environmental Engineering
  • No. 112 (tie), Engineering 学校: Mechanical Engineering
  • No. 113 (tie), Business 学校: Part-time MBA
  • No. 114 (tie), Engineering 学校: Computer Engineering
  • No. 117 (tie), Engineering 学校: Civil Engineering
  • No. 118 (tie), Engineering 学校: 生物医学 Engineering
  • No. 119(并列),教育学校
  • No. 123(并列),公共卫生,包括EVMS
  • No. 131(平局),英语
  • No. 133(并列),计算机科学
  • No. 134 (tie), Engineering 学校: Electrical Engineering
  • No. 154-202(并列),工程学院
  • No. 181(并列),心理学
  • No. 1993年(并列),最佳美术专业
  • No. 199 (tie)临床心理学

ODU offers more than 50 master's programs, more than 40 doctoral programs and numerous certificates and licenses. Instruction is offered through various modes, 包括校园, 流媒体视频, 在线和光盘. ODU enrolls nearly 4,600 graduate students, almost half of whom are part-time. 最新的节目, a Master of Science in data science and analytics, 在秋季学期推出.

每年,美国.S. 网站登录 & World Report ranks professional school programs in business, 教育, 工程, 法律, 医学与护理学, 包括每个领域的特色.

The Best 研究生院s rankings in these areas are based on two types of data: expert opinions about program excellence and statistical indicators, which measure the quality of a school's faculty, 研究和学生.

The data for the rankings came from statistical surveys of more than 2,125 programs and from reputation surveys sent to more than 23,000名学者和专业人士, 在2020年秋季和2021年初进行.

今年一月,美国.S. 网站登录 & World Report cited ODU's bachelor's program and five master's programs - business administration, 工程, 计算机信息技术, nursing and 教育 - in its ranking of Best Online 项目 for 2021.


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