A foreign language degree significantly enhances your job market readiness. With our internationally recognized faculty, interdisciplinary curriculum, Language 学习 Center support, and real-world practice and study abroad opportunities, you'll naturally acquire these vital skills in our liberal arts and humanities program. You'll develop excellent written and verbal communication abilities in your target language and culture, while also gaining a deeper understanding of your own 社区.

Why Study 世界语言 & 文化?

Solidarity Statement

The Department of 世界语言 and 文化 is outraged by the manifestations of structural racism and inequality that we have been seeing play out time and again in our country. We stand in solidarity with protesters and with all those who have suffered from all forms of state-sanctioned violence and inequality. As members of a diverse educational department, college and university, we must renew our commitment to actively undo structures that hinder full participation of Black students, 的同事们, 社区, and family members. We oppose ignorance and hatred that animates racism and seek to promote social justice for all.